For-Profit as Partners
If you are a for-profit, we need you to become a partner. All partners are added to the partner section of our website. Partners are not required to donate a specific amount. You can set up a small recurring donation and add larger 1-time donations as your organization grows throughout our partnership.
We need to give a Self-Worth presentation to all your organization’s team members. This can be done in person, over Skype, or through a custom email seminar.
We need you to provide in-kind items or services through us as a tax-deductible donation. We use these as part of our mission to provide Opportunities.
We can partner with any organization. URTFC has no limits, and we believe every organization can provide an Opportunity.
Together, we can mutually elevate each other’s goals. Together, we can create a Future this world deserves for everyone.
Non-Profits as Partners
If you are a non-profit, we need you to become a fiscal partner. All fiscal partners are added to the fiscal partner section of our website. Fiscal Partners are not required to donate. We assist all fiscal sponsorships with the tools you need to succeed in your program. URTFC also elevates your program to assist in making it as effective as possible.
We need to give a Self-Worth presentation to all your organization’s team members. This can be done in person, over Skype, or through a custom email seminar.
We need you to provide in-kind items or services through us as a tax-deductible donation. We use these as part of our mission to provide opportunities.
We can partner with any organization. URTFC has no limits, and we believe every organization can provide an Opportunity.
Together we can mutually elevate each other’s goals. Together we can create a Future this world deserves for everyone.
Individuals as Partners
I’m going to go over the different levels of helping our mission and assisting in the creation of a future this world deserves for everyone.
Setting up UR “HOUR OF CHANGE“: This is the first step that we ask everyone to do. If U have already done this, U R already a community Superhero.
With UR monthly donation, we’re able to send U a $100 Self-Worth box. We also have partners that partially match UR recurring donation, so we’re able to give a Stuffed Dragon and Superhero Cape to a person in need. Plus, we do much more with all leftover funds to progress our mission of elevating the Self-Worth in everyone.
What else can I do for URTFC? URTFC wants U to know we already appreciate UR donation. If U do want to do more we have additional ways to assist in the creation of a future this world deserves for everyone.
Social Media: Social media is amazing. It’s a fast way to get a message to all UR friends, family, and loved ones.
- We suggest that every month after U get UR monthly receipt, U use that as a reminder to post something on social media.
- We suggest U follow all our social medias. Like and share as many of our posts as possible.
- We suggest U invite all friends, family, and loved ones to also like and share our social Medias.
Personal Advocating: Everyone Matters to others, and has an influence on their lives.
- We suggest that U personally advocate us to UR main circle of 5 people. Most people are a reflection of the main 5 people in their life. UR main 5 people will love to see that U R focusing on becoming the best version of yourself and will want to take part in UR journey. (It’s the same as when people start to work out or go on a diet/lifestyle change etc.)
- We suggest that U personally talk to them, text, or email them. Answer any questions they may have about URTFC, why U R advocating us, and why they should participate.
- We suggest U also take it one step further and personally advocate us to 2 people outside of UR main 5. 2 people that U know will benefit from an elevated Self-Worth.
- This is why we add 7 “HOUR OF CHANGE Cards” in UR Self-Worth Box. We believe that word of mouth advocating is going to be our biggest advantage to reach the whole world. We strive to be 100% inclusive and transparent to keep the trust, respect, and loyalty of all participants.
Professional Advocating: Professional settings are always a great place to watch people grow. Work is a place to make friends and have great peer relationships. Imagine a workplace where everyone knows how much they matter and have a high internal drive that pushes them to become the best version of themselves.
- We suggest that U assist us in setting up a Self-Worth seminar at UR workplace. We have attached what we give to the CEO or Management.
- We suggest that U be the ambassador for us to UR place of work. We have one at every business location we are a part of. The ambassador’s role is to set up the seminar, set up events through us, and pass out gifts to team members.
- We are able to set up mutual outreach campaigns with UR business. Cause marketing is always amazing for both parties involved, as well as the people we assist.
- We can Fiscally Sponsor non-profits that do not have their 501(c)3 status. So, if U or someone U know has an amazing program, and would benefit from our help, let them know to contact us.
Innovation: Innovation is what got URTFC to the point we’re at. Everything we’ve done has been outside the box of a normal charity. We’ll continue to challenge the status quo. That’s why we’ll become the most effective non-profit in the world by 2022.
- We suggest that any amazing ideas U have, U work with us to make those ideas become a reality. We want to participate in anything that positively elevates the Self-Worth of people.